Education |
- 1999 Ph.D. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
Professional Experience |
- 2006-2011, Associate Professor of Physics, Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
- 2011-present, Professor of Physics, Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
& Department of Physics Vice-Chairman(2008/08-
- 2013/2/1 professor,Department of Physics &
Chairman,Interdisciplinary Program of Science.
- 2003-2006, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
- 2003-2003, Post-Doctor, National Center for Theoretical Science, NTHU, R.O.C.
- 2001-2003, Technical Manager, Signal Integrity, Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation, R.O.C.
- 2001-2001, Post-Doctor, Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
- 1999-2001, Research Assistance, Department of Physics, Academia Sinica, R.O.C.
Honors and Awards |
- Young Faculty Research Award, National Tsing Hua University (2005)
Research Fields |
- Coherent Radiation, Electron Cyclotron Maser Instability
- Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics
- High-Frequency Electronics
Research Interests and achievement |
Updated on September 3, 2006
Tsun-Hsu Chang received his B.S. degree from National Central University in 1991 and his Ph.D. degree from National Tsing Hua University in 1999. Upon graduation, he worked as a postdoctor on the development of high power millimeter wave sources (gyrotrons) for two years. From 2001 to 2003, he served as a technical manager at Silicon Integrated System Corporation and was responsible for high-speed signal and power integrity analysis in both simulation and measurement. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. His current research focuses on the nonlinear dynamics of the electron cyclotron maser, high power sub-Terahertz physics, and the characterization of the microwave/nano- particles interaction.
Publications |
- T. J. Wu , W. J. Guan, C. M. Tsai, W. Y. Yeh, and C. S. Kou “ Experimental Study of the Plasma Resonance in a Planar Surface Wave Plasma”, Phys. Plasmas, 8,3195, 2001
- W. Y. Yeh, J. Hwang, A. P. Lee, C. S. Kou and H. Chang, “ Composite diamond-like carbon and silicon carbide tips grown on oblique-cut Si(111) substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79,3609, 2001
- C. J. Huang, Y. K. Chih, J. Hwang, A. P. Lee and C. S. Kou, “Field emission from amorphous-carbon nanotips on copper”, J. Appl. Phys., 94,6796(2003)
- Y.K. Chih, C.H. Chen, J. Hwang, A.P. Lee, and C. S. Kou, “ formation of nano-scale tubular structure of single crystal diamond”, Diamond & Related Materials, 13, 1614, 2004
- T. J. Wu and C. S. Kou, "Analysis of the Propagation of the Wave in the Plasma Guided by a Periodical Vane-Type Structure", Phys. Plasmas, 8, 3195, 2005
- K. Y. Wu, P. C. Liu, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Chen, H. K. Wei, C. M. Yeh, C. W. Chen, C. S. Kou, C. D. Lee, and J. Hwang, “Liquid Crystal Alignment on a-C:H Films by Nitrogen Plasma Beam Scanning" J. Appl. Phys., 98, 083518, 2005
- Chen-Ming Tsai, A. P. Lee and C. S. Kou ‘ Characterization of heating mode transition in a radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 39, 3821 2006
- C. M. Yeh, M. Y. Chen, J. Hwang, J.-Y. Gan, and C. S. Kou, 2006, “Field emission from the composite structure of vertical single-walled carbon nanotubes/ carbon nanocones”, Nanotechnology (accepted)
- All
Publications (Expansible)
- R.S. Tung, C.H. Chang, D.C. Chern, and J.M. Nester, "Asymptotic Anti-De Sitter Conditions for Poincare Gauge Theory", Prog. Theor. Phys. 88, 291(1992).
- Y.C. Yu, E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, P.J. Tsai, and C.H. Chang, "L X-Ray-Production in La, Nd, Er and Lu by 1~5 MeV Protons", J. Phys. B: 27, 3967 (1994).
- E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, Y.C. Yu, W.C. Cheng, C.H. Chang, Y.C. Yang, and C.Y. Chang, "Application of PIXE for Elemental Analysis of Ancient Chinese Artifacts", Nucl. Instrum. Methods 99, 394 (1995).
- H.Y. Yao, E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, Y.C. Yu, C.H. Chang, Y.C. Yang, and C.Y. Chang, "A PIXE study of Verification of Carnation in-Vitro Culture", Nucl. Instrum. Methods 109, 312 (1996).
- K.R. Chu, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, T.H. Chang, L.R. Barnett S.H. Chen, and T.T. Yang, “An Ultra High Gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4760 (1998).
- T.H. Chnag, L.R. Barrnett, K.R. Chu, F. Taai, and C.L. Hsu, “A Dual-Function Circular Polarization Converter for Microwave/Plasma Processing Systems”, Rev. Sci. Instru. 70, 1530 (Feb.1999).
- K.R. Chu, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, T.H. Chang, L.R. Barnett, S.H. Chen, T.T. Yang, and D. Dialetis, “Theory and Experiment of Ultra high Gain Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 27, pp. 391-404, (1999). Invited paper.
- K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, L.R. Barnett, S.H. Chen, and T.T. Yang “Recent Advances in Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, Recent Advances and Cross-Century Outlooks in Physics, edited by Pisin Chen and Cheuk-Yin Wong, world Scientific. pp.369-378, (1999).
- K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, L.R. Barnett, S.H. Chen, and T.T. Yang “Physics and Technology Issues of the Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, Strong Microwaves in Plasmas, edited by A.G. Litvak, Nizhny Novgorod. pp. 718-727, (2000).
- S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, and T.H. Chang, “Saturated Behavior of the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2633, (2000).
- Y. S. Yeh, M. H. Tsao, H. Y. Chen, and T.H. Chang, "Improved computer program for magnetron injection gun design", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 21, no. 9, pp. 1397-1415, (2000).
- Y. S. Yeh, T. H. Chang, and C. T. Fan, "Beam characteristics of mechanically tunable magnetron injection guns", Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 22, no. 7, pp. 983-997, (2001).
- T.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, L.R. Barnett, and K.R. Chu, “Characterization of Stationary and Nonstationary Behavior ub Gyrotron Oscillators”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 064802, (2001).
- K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang, L.R. Barnett, and S.H. Chen, “Theory and Experiment of Ultra High Gain Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier”, AIP proceeding RF2001, (2001)
- S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, K.F. Pao, C.T. Fan, and K.R. Chu, “Linear and Time-Dependent Behavior of the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 268303, (2002).
- 張存續, 鄭復興, 與楊滋德, “真空爐焊接技術探討”, 真空科技, 第12卷, 第4期, p.36, (1999).
- 洪健倫, 張存續, 朱國瑞, 戴涪, 與呂康威, “應用於大面積微波電漿源之輻射共振腔原理探討”, 真空科技, 第13卷, 第3期, pp., (2000).
- D. B. McDermott, H. H. Song, Y. Hirata, A. T. Lin, L. R. Barnett, T. H. Chang, H. L. Hsu, P. S. Marandos, J. S. Lee, K. R. Chu, and N. C. Luhmann, Jr., “Design of a W-Band TE01 Mode Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier with High Power and Broadband Capabilities”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 30, 894 (2002).
- T. H. Chang, S. H. Chen, K. F. Pao, C. T. Fan, L. R. Barnett, and K. R. Chu, “Stability and Tunability of the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator ”, to be submitted to Physical Review E.
- T.H. Chang, “A Proposed Resonant-Free Power Distribution Network by Detuning the Resonant Frequency”, submitted to IEEE Trans. Advanced. Packaging.
- T.H. Chang, “Minimizing the Switching Noise in the Power Distribution Network by External Coupled Resistive Termination”, to be submitted to IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Technique.
- 張存續, “高速數位電路之電源完整性”, 電子月刊二月號, (2003).
B. Conference Papers:
- E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, Y.C. Yu, W.C. Cheng, C.H. Chang, and Y.C. Yang, “Pixe for Elemental Analysis of Ancient Artifacts”, 物理年會, H7, (1994).
- Y.C. Yu, E.K. Lin, C.W. Wang, P.J. Tsai, and C.H. Chang, “L-subshell x-ray production cross sections of selected elements between Z=57 and Z=71 for 1-5MeV proton impact”, 物理年會, H8, (1994).
- C.H. Chang, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, H.Y. Huang, M.S. Tsao, T.T. Yang, and K.R. Chu, “A Stable High Gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, 物理年會, PH7, (1997). Outstanding poster award.
- K.R. Chu, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, C.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, T.T. Yang, and L.R. Barnett, “Study of High Gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, ICOPS97, 5B03, (1997).
- T.H. Chang, L.R. Barnett, K.R. Chu, F. Tai, and C.L. Hsu, “A Circularly Polarized Mode Converter for Microwave/Plasma Processing System”, 物理年會, PE5, (1998).
- K. R. Chu, H. Y. Chen, C. L. Hung, T. H. Chang, L. R. Barnett, S. H. Chen, and T. T. Yang, “Ultra High Gain Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier”,. Research Workshop on Cyclotron Resonance Masers and Gyrotrons, Kibbutz Ma'ale Hachamisha, Israel, (1998).
- T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, H.Y. Chen, C.L. Hung, L.R. Barnett, S.H. Chen, and T.T. Yang, “Theory and Experiment of Ultra high gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave amplifier”, 物理年會, Mc2, (1999).
- S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang, and F.H. Cheng, “Theoretical study of the Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator”, 物理年會, Mc3, (1999).
- T.H. Chang, L.R. Barnett, K.R. Chu, F. Tai, and C.L. Hsu, “ A dual-function Circular Polarization Converter for Microwave/Plasma Processing Systems”, 物理年會, PM5, (1999).
- T.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, F. H. Cheng, C.S. Kou and K. R. Chu, "Experimental Study of an Injection Locked Gyro-BWO" IRMMW, M-A2, (1999).
- T.H. Chang, F. H. Cheng, and K. R. Chu "Theoretical and Experimental Study of Frequency Jumping in Gyro-BWO" IRMMW, PS-20, (1999).
- S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang "Saturated Behavior of the Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator" IRMMW, PS-21, (1999).
- S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, and T.H. Chang, “Numerical study of the Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator”, 物理年會, Na5, (2000).
- T.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, and K.R. Chu, “Experimental Study of Injection Locked Gyro-BWO”, 物理年會, Na6, (2000).
- S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, T.H. Chang, “Saturated behavior of the gyrotron backward wave oscillator”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2000, 21-5, (2000).
- Y. Hirata, D.B. McDermott, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Design of a heavily-loaded W-band TE01 gyro-TWT”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2000, page(s): , (2000).
- S.B. Harriet, D.B. McDermott, Y. Hirata, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “30 GHz second-harmonic cusp-gun gyro-TWT amplifier”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2000, Page(s): , (2000).
- S.B. Harriet, D.B. McDermott, Y. Hirata, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Ka-band second-harmonic cusp-gun gyro-TWT”, The 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, ICOPS 2000, Page(s): 170, (2000).
- Y. Hirata, D.B. McDermott, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Heavily-loaded W-band TE01 gyro-TWT”, The 27th IEEE International Conference Plasma Science, ICOPS 2000, Page(s): 171, (2000).
- S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, F.H. Cheng, C.S. Kou, K.R. Chu, “Experimental study of an injection locked gyro-BWO”, The 27th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, ICOPS 2000, Page(s): 173, (2000).
- S.B. Harriet, D.B. McDermott, Y. Hirata, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “30 GHz second-harmonic cusp-gun gyro-TWT amplifier”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2000, Page(s): ,(2000).
- Y. Hirata, D.B. McDermott, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “W-band TE01 gyro-TWT with heavy wall loss”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, IRMMW 2000, Page(s): 179 –180, (2000).
- K.R. Chu, S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, “Review of the gyrotron backward wave oscillator”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, IRMMW 2000, Page(s): 9 –10, (2000).
- T.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, C.T. Fan, K.F. Pao, and K.R. Chu, “Nonstationary Effect in Gyrotron Oscillator”, 物理年會, Mb7, (2001).
- S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, and K.R. Chu, “Saturated Behavior of Gyrotron Backward-wave Oscillator”, 物理年會, Mb6, (2001).
- T.H. Chang, S.H. Chen, C.T. Fan K.F. Pao, L.R. Barnett, and K.R. Chu, “Nonstationary Behavior in Gyrotron Oscillators”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2001, Pag(s): , (2001).
- T.H. Chang, SL.R. Arnett, K.R. Chu, F. Tai, and C.L. Hsu, “A Circular Polarization Converter for Microwave/Plasma Processing Systems”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2001, Pag(s): 257, (2001).
- D.B. McDermott, H.H. Song, Y. Hirata, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, and N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “140kW, 94GHz Heavily loaded TE01 Gyro-TWT”, International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2001, page(s):143 , (2001).
- S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, “Study of gyrotron oscillators by 3-D particle simulation”, IEEE Conference on Pulsed Power Plasma Science, Page(s): 518, (2001).
- D.B. McDermott, H.H. Song, Y. Hirata, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, “94 GHz heavily loaded TE01 gyro-TWT”, IEEE Conference on Pulsed Power Plasma Science, Page(s): 515, (2001).
- D.B. McDermott, H.H. Song, Y. Hirata, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, H.L. Hsu, K.R. Chu, and N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Heavily loaded TE01 Gyro-TWT”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, IRMMW 2000, Page(s): 104, (2001).
- T.H. Chang, K.F. Pao, C.T. Fan, S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, “Study of axial modes in the gyrotron backward-wave oscillator”, 物理年會, Mb, (2002).
- Y.S. Yeh and T.H. Chang, “A Study of Mechanically Tunable Magnetron Injection Gun”, 物理年會, PM1, (2002).
- S.H. Chen, T.H. Chang, K.F. Pao, C.T. Fan, and K.R. Chu, “Stationary and Nonstationary Behavior in Gyrotron Oscillator”, 物理年會, PM13, (2002).
- T.H. Chang, K.F. Pao, C.T. Fan, S.H. Chen, K.R. Chu, “Study of axial modes in the gyrotron backward-wave oscillator”, Third IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2002, Page(s): 123 –124, (2002).
- D.B. McDermott, H.H. Song, Y. Hirata, A.T. Lin, T.H. Chang, H.L. Hsu, P.S. Marandos, J.S. Lee, K.R. Chu, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “High power W-band heavily loaded TE01 gyro-TWT”, Third IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2002, Page(s): 369 –370, (2002).
- T.S. Yeh, T.H. Chang, and C.T. Fan, “Beam Characteristics of Mechanically Tunable Magnetron Injection Guns”, Third IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2002, Page(s): 274 –275, (2002).
- S.H. Chen, K.F. Pao, T.H. Chang, C.T. Fan, and K.R. Chu, “Study of Axial Modes in the Gyrotron Backward-wave Oscillator”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, IRMMW 2000, TH4.3, (2002).
- D.B. McDermott, H.H. Song, L.R. Barnett, Y. Hirata, A.T. Lin, H.L. Hsu, P.S. Marandos, J.S. Lee, T.H. Chang, K.R. Chu, and N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “High power Broad-band W-band Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier”, International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, IRMMW 2000, Page(s): 333-334, (2002).
C. Patents:
- 戴涪, 許覺良, 朱國瑞, 馮嘉鳴, 張存續, 呂康威, “圓極化循迴器”, 專利證書號: 125309.
- T.H. Chang, “A Proposed Resonant-Free Power Distribution Network by Detuning the Resonant Frequency”, U.S., Taiwan, and China patent pending.
- T.H. Chang and J. Chen, “Minimizing the Switching Noise in the Power Distribution Network by External Coupled Resistive Termination”, U.S., Taiwan, and China patent pending.
- 戴涪, 許覺良, 朱國瑞, 李學志, 彭國源, 賈漢榮, 賀克勤, 張存續, 呂康威, 陳登良,“300Φ電子迴旋共振(ECR)電漿機台設備”, 專利證書號: 137744.