
Office:886-3-5742525(PHYS R713)
High Frequency Electrodynamics Laboratory
Lab Tel:886-3-5742560(PHYS R120)

  1. 1968-1972 Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Cornell University Physics
  2. 1966-1968 M.S. in Physics, University of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  3. 1961-1965 B.S. in Physics, National Taiwan University, R.O.C.
Professional Experience
Current position:
  1. 1983-present, Professor, Dept. of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, R.O.C.
  1. 1973-1978, Research Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, Virginia, U.S.A.
  2. 1978-1980, Research Physicist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
  3. 1980-1983, Supervisory Research Physicist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Honors and Awards
  1. 1986, Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  2. 1988, Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  3. 1990, Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  4. 1992, Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  5. 1994, Outstanding Research Award in Physics, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  6. 1996, Award for Outstanding Principal Investigators, National Science Council
  7. 1997, National Chair Professorship , Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  8. 2001, Research Achievement Award, Ministry of Education
  9. 2002, Academician, Academia Sinica
  10. 2003, Presidential Science Prize
  11. 2004, Outstanding in Science and Technology Award, Government Information Office
  12. 2006, Outstanding Contribution Award,The Phi Tau Phi Honor Society
  13. Fellow of The Physical Society of Republic of China
  14. Tsing Hua Professor of Natural Sciences
  15. Plasma Physics Award of IEEE
  16. Button Prize of Institute of Physics, UK
Research Fields
    1. Plasma phycics
    2. coherent radiation sources
    3. applied electordynamics
Research Interests and achievement
Updated on September 3, 2006
Kwo Ray Chu specializes in plasma physics and, in particular, the generation of coherent electromagnetic waves via the electron cyclotron maser (ECM) interaction. The ECM is based on a stimulated cyclotron emission process involving energetic electrons in gyrational motion. It constitutes a cornerstone of relativistic electronics, a discipline that has emerged from our understanding and utilization of relativistic effects for the generation of coherent radiation from free electrons. Over a span of four decades, the ECM has undergone a remarkably successful evolution from basic research to device implementation while continuously being enriched by new physical insights. By delivering unprecedented power levels, ECM-based devices have occupied a unique position in the millimeter and submillimeter regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and find use in numerous applications such as fusion plasma heating, advanced radars, industrial processing, materials characterization, particle acceleration, and tracking of space objects.

His academic activities include (1) in-depth mathematical formulation and physics studies of the ECM in the framework of relativistic kinetic equations, which led to the discovery of a competitive relationship between the fast-wave ECM and the slow-wave Weibel instabilities and provided a definitive identification of the physical mechanism responsible for the cyclotron emission observed in early experiments; (2) development of a fully relativistic theory which led to the design and subsequent demonstration (at the University of Maryland) of a 10 GHz gyroklystron at a power level (30 MW) two orders of magnitude beyond the state-of-the-art, a scheme currently explored at CERN for component tests of next-generation accelerators; (3) invention, fundamental studies, and demonstration of a novel Ka-band gyrotron traveling wave amplifier with record performance in bandwidth, power, gain, and efficiency, which is under further development in the US for the upgrade of space radars; and (4) participation in national scientific programs, in particular, the synchrotron light source project, defense electronics system research, and the establishment of Taiwan's microwave tube industry.

He is a winner of the NSC Outstanding Research Award, the MOE National Chair, the MOE Academic Award, the Presidential Science Prize, the Executive Yuan Science and Technology Award, the IEEE Plasma Science and Application Award, the British Institute of Physics K J Button Medal and Prize. He is Fellow of the ROC Physical Society, American Physical Society, and IEEE, and Academician of Academia Sinica.
Selected Publications
  1. [2005] K. F. Pao, T. H. Chang, C. T. Fan, S. H. Chen, C. F. Yu, and K. R. Chu, “Dynamics of Mode Competition in the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 185101 (2005).
  2. [2004] K. R. Chu, “The Electron Cyclotron Maser,” Rev. of Modern Phys. 76, 489 (2004).
  3. [2002] S. H. Chen, T. H. Chang, K. F. Pao, and K. R. Chu, " Study of Axial Modes in Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillators," Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 268303 (2002).
  4. [2001] T. H. Chang, S. H. Chen, L. R. Barnett, and K. R. Chu, "Characterization of Stationary and Non-stationary Behavior of Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 064802 (2001).
  5. [2000] S. H. Chen, K. R. Chu, and T. H. Chang, "Saturated Behavior of Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2633 (2000).
  6. [1998] K. R. Chu, H. Y. Chen, C. L. Hung, T. H. Chang, L. R. Barnett, S. H. Chen, and T. T. Yang, “An Ultra High Gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4760 (1998).
  7. [1997] K. R. Chu, H. Guo, and V. L. Granatstein, “Theory of the Harmonic Multiplying Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4661 (1997).
  8. [1995] K. R. Chu, L. R. Barnett, H. Y. Chen, S. H. Chen, Ch. Wang, Y. S. Yeh, Y. C. Tsai, T. T. Yang, and T. Y. Dawn, "Stabilization of Absolute Instabilities in the Gyrotron Travelling Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1103 (1995).
  9. [1993] C. S. Kou, S. H. Chen, L. R. Barnett, H.Y. Chen, and K. R. Chu, "Experiments Study of an Injection Locked Gyrotron Backwave Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 924 (1993).
  10. [1991] K. R. Chu and A. T. Lin, "Harmonic Gyroresonance of Electrons in Combined Helical Wiggler and Axial Guide Magnetic Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3235 (1991).
  11. [1989] L. R. Barnett, L. H. Chang, H. Y. Chen, K. R. Chu, W. K. Lau and C. C. Tu, "Absolute Instability Competition and Suppression in a Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1062 (1989).
  12. [1985] K. R. Chu, V. L. Granatstein, P. E. Latham, W. Lawson, and C. D. Striffier, "A 30 MW Gyroklystron Amplifier Design for High Energy Linear Accelerators," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science PS-13, 424 (1985).
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