許耀銓(Hoi,Io Chun)

research group website

  1. 瑞典查爾默大學 微米科技和奈米科學系 博士(2008.5-2013.9)
  2. 瑞典查爾默大學 微米科技和奈米科學系 碩士 (2006.9-2008.4)
  3. 國立交通大學 電子物理系 學士(2003.9-2007.6)
現職:國立清華大學物理系助理教授 (2015/08- )
  1. 美國加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校 博士後研究員(2013.10 -2015.7)
  1. 量子光學

  2. 量子資訊
  3.  超導電路

Updated on Aug 3, 2015

We investigate quantum optics and quantum information using superconducting circuits.

The recent key results are as follows: 1. We demonstrate a single-photon router based on Autler-Townes splitting. A strong control tone can route a weak probe tone, see the details on PRL 107, 073601 (2011). 2. We generate antibunching and superbunching microwave state from a two level artificial atom, see details on PRL 108, 263601 (2012). 3. We enable photon-photon interaction via a three level atom, so called cross-Kerr effect, see details on PRL 111, 053601 (2013)


  1.  Io-Chun Hoi, C. M. Wilson, Goran Johansson, Tauno Palomaki, Borja Peropadre, and Per Delsing  "Demonstration of a single-photon router in the microwave regime." PRL 107, 073601 (2011)
  2. Io-Chun Hoi, Tauno Palomaki, Joel Lindkvist, Goran Johansson, Per Delsing, and C. M. Wilson "Generation of nonclassical microwave states using an artificial atom in 1D open space.", PRL 108, 263601 (2012
  3.   Io-Chun Hoi, Anton F. Kockum, Tauno Palomaki, Thomas M. Stace, Bixuan Fan, Lars Tornberg, Sankar R. Sathyamoorthy, Goran Johansson, Per Delsing and C. M. Wilson "Giant cross-Kerr effect for propagating microwaves induced by an artificial atom", PRL 111, 053601 (2013)
  4. I.-C. Hoi, A. F. Kockum, L. Tornberg, A. Pourkabirian, G. Johansson, P. Delsing,_ & C. M. Wilson ”Probing quantum fluctuations using atom in front of mirror”, accepted in Nature Physics (2015) arXiv:1410.8840
