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Updated in December, 2009
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- [2009] J. Takata, H.-K. Chang (2009) Non-thermal emissions from outer magnetospheric accelerators of middle-aged pulsars, MNRAS 392, 400
- [2007] H.-K. Chang , S. Boggs, Y.-H. Chang (2007) The Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) project ¡V Scientific Goals and Expected Sensitivity, Advances in Space Research , 40, 1281
- [2007] H.-K. Chang, J.-S. Liang, C.-Y. Liu, S.-K. King (2007) Millisecond Dips in the RXTE/PCA Light Curve of Sco X-1 and TNO Occultations, MNRAS 378, 1287 (2007)
- [2006] H.-K. Chang, S.-K. King, J.-S. Liang, P.-S. Wu, L. C.-C. Lin, C.-J. Chiu Occultation of X-rays from Scorpius X-1 by Small Trans-Neptunian Objects, Nature 442, 660 (2006)
- [1999] H.-K. Chang, D.-Y. Chou, M.-T. Sun., In Search of Emerging Magnetic Flux underneath the Solar Surface with Acoustic Imaging, ApJ 526, L53 (1999)
- [1997] H.-K. Chang , D.-Y. Chou, B. LaBonte, the TON team, Ambient Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology , Nature 389, 825 (1997)
- [1997] H.-K. Chang, C. Ho, RXTE Observation of PSR B1951+32 , ApJ 479, L125 (1997)
- [1995] H.-K. Chang, Magnetic Inverse Compton Scattering above Polar Caps , A&A 301, 456 (1995)
(Click ®i¶}/ÁôÂÃ)
A. Journal Papers:
- 'Pulsar Nebulae', 1992, Wolfgang Kundt, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Astrophysics and Space Science 193, 145
- 'Gamma-Ray Bursts from Nearby Neutron Stars', 1993, Wolfgang Kundt, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Astrophysics and Space Science 200, 151
- 'Pulsar Radio Emission', 1993, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Wolfgang Kundt, Astrophysics and Space Science 209, 313
- 'Magnetic Inverse Compton Scattering above Polar Caps', 1995, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Astronomy and Astrophysics 301, 456
- 'Optical Pulse Polarization of the Crab Pulsar', 1996, Kaiyou Chen, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Cheng Ho, Astrophysical Journal 471, 967
- 'The Soft Spectrum of PSR B1509-58', 1996, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Kaiyou Chen, Cheng Ho, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 120, C81
- 'RXTE Observation of PSR B1951+32', 1997, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Cheng Ho, Astrophysical Journal 479, L125
- 'Ambient Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology', 1997, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Dean-Yi Chou, Barry LaBonte, the TON team, Nature 389, 825 (NSC-86-2112-M-007-036)
- 'Probing Solar Active Regions with the Phase Information of Acoustic Imaging', 1998, Huei-Ru Chen, Dean-Yi Chou, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Ming-Tsung Sun, Sheng-Jen Yeh, Barry LaBonte, the TON team, Astrophysical Journal 501, L139 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050)
- 'Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Observation of PSR B0656+14', 1999, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Cheng Ho, Astrophysical Journal 510, 404
- 'Acoustic Imaging in Helioseismology', 1999, Dean-Yi Chou, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Ming-Tsung Sun, Barry LaBonte, Huei-Ru Chen, Sheng-Jen Yeh, the TON team, Astrophysical Journal 514, 979 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050)
- 'Determining Emission Location and Mechanisms of High Energy Emission from Pulsars -- the Role of INTEGRAL', 1999, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Tz-Feng Guo, Mao-Chang Liang, Cheng Ho, Astrophysical Letters and Communications 38, 53
- 'In Search of Emerging Flux underneath the Solar Surface with Acoustic Imaging', 1999, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Dean-Yi Chou, Ming-Tsung Sun, Astrophysical Journal 526, L53 (NSC-88-2112-M-007-036, NSC-88-2112-M-007-037)
- 'A Study of Sunspots with Phase Time and Travel Time of P-mode Waves in Acoustic Imaging', 2000, Dean-Yi Chou, Ming-Tsung Sun, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Astrophysical Journal 532, 622 (NSC-88-2112-M-007-036, NSC-88-2112-M-007-037)
- 'X-ray Timing Analysis of PSR B1951+32 with ASCA and RXTE Data', 2000, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Tz-Feng Guo, Chinese Journal of Physics 38, 429 (NSC-89-2112-M-007-017)
- 'Determining the Magnetic Inclination of PSR B0656+14 with Its Thermal X-ray Emission', 2001, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Chinese Journal of Physics, Chinese Journal of Physics 39, 319 (NSC 89-2112-M-007-055)
B. Conference Proceedings:
- 'Nearby Neutron Stars as the Sources of the Gamma-Ray Bursts', 1994, Wolfgang Kundt, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, in: AIP Conf. Proc. 307, eds. G. J. Fishman, J. J. Brainerd, K. Hurley, page 596
- 'Spectral Studies of Magnetic Photon Splitting in the March 5 Event and SGR 1806-20', 1996, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Kaiyou Chen, Ed Fenimore, Cheng Ho, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Huntsville Symposium on Gamma Ray Bursts, AIP Conf. 384, New York, page 921
- 'Acoustic Imaging and Subsurface Absorption Structure of Sunspots', 1997, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Dean-Yi Chou, Barry LaBonte, the TON team, in: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 185, Kyoto, page 219 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050)
- 'Results of Acoustic Imaging with the TON Data', 1998, Dean-Yi Chou, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Huei-Ru Chen, Barry LaBonte, Ming-Tsung Sun, Shen-Jen Yeh, the TON team, in: Proceedings of SOHO 6 / GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, page 597 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050, NSC-87-2112-M-182-003)
- 'Subsurface Acoustic Images of Solar Active Regions in Different Frequencies with TON Data', 1998, Hsiang-Kuang Chang}, Dean-Yi Chou, Huei-Ru Chen, Barry LaBonte, Ming-Tsung Sun, Shen-Jen Yeh, the TON team, in: Proceedings of SOHO 6 / GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, page 621 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050, NSC-87-2112-M-182-003)
- 'Dissipation and Emission of P-mode in the Quiet Sun from Acoustic Imaging with TON Data', 1998, Ming-Tsung Sun, Dean-Yi Chou, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Huei-Ru Chen, Shen-Jen Yeh, Barry LaBonte, the TON team, in: Proceedings of SOHO 6 / GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, page 657 (NSC-87-2112-M-007-044, NSC-87-2112-M-007-050, NSC-87-2112-M-182-003)
- 'Acoustic Imaging and Subsurface Structure of Solar Active Regions', 1998, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Dean-Yi Chou, Huei-Ru Chen, the TON team, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference, Potsdam, ASP Conf. Series 184, page 171 (NSC-88-2112-M-007-036, NSC-88-2112-M-007-037)
- 'ASCA and RXTE Upper Limits to Pulsed Emissions from PSR B1951+32 ', 1999, Hsiang-Kuang Chang, Tz-Feng Guo, in: Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 177, Bonn, ASP Conf. Series 202, page 327 (NSC-89-2112-M-007-017)